Jiminy wowsers! It’s been a long time since I last published a post here, huh?!. That’s not to say I haven’t been doing, thinking and writing design. In fact, I’d say just about every week I come to desonance to reference something I’ve written or thought through here. So it’s serving exactly the purpose I’d hoped. : )
This isn’t quite a “year in review” post – I’m just in the mood for some writin’ and mullin’.
Some writin’
I have written a number of pieces on design at my company blog, DMA with my biz partner Justin Barrie. The ones I reckon have relevance on desonance are:
Technical Explorations
- Innovation: Two Perspectives – With Video, With Slides only (July 2013)
- Breaking down users of services: User Typologies (November 2012)
- Visualisation progression: Loving the sketch (August 2012)
Creative Exercises
- Creative Boost 2: Playing in a different design discipline to learn more about my own. (April 2013)
- Creative Boost 1: Visualising and pattern making (August 2012)
Industry Exploration
- In the vein of my just shut up post, we spoke and explored the shades of grey
Also, pretty freakin’ cooly and thanks to this blog I’ve been published in a number of publications
- Airport Operations (Third Edition) – Norman Ashford, HP Martin Stanton, Clifton Moore, Pierre Coutu, John Beasley. My Customer Experience Map was used to illustrate the value of mapping customer experience.
- Designing for Behaviour Change: Applying Psychology and Behavioral Economics – Stephen Wendel
- Interactieve marketing, 2e editie (incl. XTRA) – Marenna van Reijsen, Theo Zweers en Huub Janssen
Let that be a lesson to the kids out there to just put it out there.
Some mullin’
Two things that have preoccupied me most about design for a wee while now:
- Professionally, the notion of service design to focus internal service deliverers (such as IT, management) and arm them for change, from the inside-out. At DMA, we explore this in many a-conversation, and have been doing it with a couple of clients – to great effect! It’s exciting, and I believe it’s a really cool, decidedly un-sexy way to use design to effect real change. Engine are the only others in the service design space I see consciously talking about this. To me, it’s the notion of building a platform for design to be sustainable (which was part of the discussion I had with Joe Heaphy so many many yeas ago). And there’s something that resonates with business. And it’s super fun if you like dealing with complexity.
- Personally, maybe this one hasn’t excited me, but it has given me pause to accept. My creative thinking process is one of introversion. Introversion and reference (ie. I look up stuff – everytime). I often feel slow – in both the conceptualising and in the creative opportunity when teamed with an extroverted, quick and smart partner. This is not an enjoyable state. But it just means I need to find that solitary space early or later in the day to work through things. I get there. Or sometimes I have to say “I just need some time to think this through”… or words that effect. One night I was so frustrated with my self-defined “slowness” I drew it out. That was when I realised, it’s ok. It’s just different. I really like the place me and my brain can get to. And return to.
Hmmm, what to end on …. Here are some pictures I found on my phone that represent some creative, design-y, worky, inspiry stuff. See you sporadically in 2014!