design that resonates

  • Customer Experience Map – Redux

    At last I have updated the high-res version of my take on a customer experience map. Prompted by a request for a high-res copy (a proper high-res, mind) I decided to review and update the original customer experience map I posted in June 2010, based on my original how-to customer experience map. Much time and…

  • A state of service design (view from the top of the world)

    This top of the world! It’s been a busy month of many dialogues, conversations, presentations, seminal decisions, great client work, painful service design moments, great service design moments. That means this post has gone through some incarnations: From love letter To surprised yet slightly reserved observation To rant (strewn with swears galore…galore I tells ya!)…

  • Design research: sorting your shoe walking from your talk talking

    We’re currently doing field research for a pretty cool project and client – it’s government so I can’t share too much. But it’s government that potentially touches everyone and they effectively want that touch to be a gentle shoulder pat, not a punch (even though the current design represents more of a wave from the…

  • Businessifying Design (Whating the what?)

    NB: A version of this post, written with Justin Barrie, is also published at DMA/We Think I recently saw ‘Design the New Business’ I’d heard about the movie for many months and finally had the opportunity thanks to Damien Kernahan from Proto Partners and the Canberra Service Design Drinks to see it.   A quick…

  • Earning my money where my mouth is

    Over the years on this blog I have banged on about some topics with some regularity: Service design and in particular public sector service design Collaboration Techniques such as Mapping, Blueprinting, Frameworks – and just a love of the process What inspires me especially where design is about making meaning and making a difference to…

  • Simple, elegant and dignified: my favourite service design

    It is with much surpride (intentional portmanteau) that I share this blog has just passed 50,000 visits. Wow. Whodda thunk it?! In the web scheme of things I have no idea what that means but it means a lot to me that there is a design industry out there (especially in Europe me thinks from…

  • My Top Aspirational Design Companies

    Emma Jefferies is an “an award winning researcher, designer, educator, writer and more recently filmmaker” according to her blog. She is also a very active and inspiring twitterer – which is how I ‘know’ her (or of her in the tweequaintance-sense). Her site is a great resource and repository of curated design and research sources.…

  • Creative Innovation conference (Melbourne 2011) – Highlights & Ruminations

    It’s probably saying something that the above title is the most creative label I can think of inspired from my recent attendance at the two-day Creative Innovation: ‘The Challenges and Opportunities of a Super-connected World’ conference in Melbourne last week. Let me be up-front and say my comparison point for conferences are the amazingly transcendent…

  • Promised an experience; given a map: Filing a Tax Return Experience Map (Part B)

    In my last post: Promised the world; given an atlas: A personal service experience (Part A) I shared my service experience as I attempted to file a tax return online in a new country. In this post I share how I captured that research as a Customer Experience Map. Interestingly as I worked on the…