design that resonates

  • Customer Experience Map example – high res

    As promised here is a link to a high-res version (as PDF) of the customer experience map I low-res published the other week. Update 15 July 2012: I have updated this version again with a better version. Context: The map should be seen as part of the solutioning process representing a current state customer and…

  • The Genius of Design (doco – ep #1)

    On the Living Channel they’re playing a documentary series ‘The Genius of Design’* (Wednesday, 10pm). I wanted to capture the thought provoking/prodding bits from the episodes. Ep #1 ‘Ghosts in the Machine’ – As with most design shows so far its angle is the designed product/stuff, but I watch with a pleased self-reflective glow that…

  • Customer Experience Mapping &

    See also: & Service Blueprinting What follows is my approach to customer experience mapping. I’m not saying it’s perfect – or easy, and I am most certainly saying it doesn’t and can’t exist in isolation from other techniques – research gives you the evidence, frameworks help sort the interpreted and synthesised information and good old…

  • & Service Blueprinting

    See also: Customer Experience Mapping & What follows is my approach to service blueprinting. It’s a companion technique and output to customer experience mapping. And as with experience mapping it doesn’t and can’t exist in isolation from other techniques. Both blueprint and map provide a tangible means for businesses to assess the impact of change…

  • If you build it they won’t necessarily come, but if you describe it enough they may want to check it out

    I’ve just completed a very successful week (5 separate sessions – 7 in total) of training people (designers, leads, account manager-level staff) on customer experience mapping and service blueprinting – as both technique and output. In order to do that though it required some schooling in services, service design, business analysis, change management, framework development.…

  • Ahhh, I am re-orange-yellow-red-ised

    Another brilliant piece from David McCandless (and Always With Honor for this piece). Colours for 62 emotions by 10 cultures. I have been doing much intellectual reading and musing about user experience/service/design/strategy lately so it was nice to come across this infographic in my feeds list. Ahhhh, so nice to get my head out of…

  • Pardon? What? Nope. Can’t hear you.

    I am currently deaf in one ear. Well, hearing impaired to be precise. It’s temporary (but please don’t ask for details). Anyhoo, my unexpected disability has helped me to experience the world quite differently and I thought – with the echos of Lisa Herrod’s impassioned, but much maligned, ‘diversity in UxD‘ presentation at Webstock rattling…

  • To Inspire, Be Inspired – chicken or egg

    Last Friday I presented to our 30+ designers and business analysts during two half-day workshops to bring them up to speed with our new integrated world (also restructured world (thank you recession)). Preparing for the session made me think about a few things I knew I wanted to cover, or at least be ready for…

  • Infographic humour

    Sometimes it’s good to make fun. It can’t all be healthcare plans, budget spends and depressing statistics you know. Left:  Anatomy of an Infographic (via especially amusing when you compare with the producers of these types of infographic: Google Facts & Figures, Film Industry by the Numbers Right:  My Way by Christoph Niemann (via:…