design that resonates

  • Service Design definition #1,146 and #1,147

    Tweeted this morning: @designthinkers Service Design = arranging & designing the collaboration between service provider & end-user using a mix of business & creative expertise Challenge extended. SD=conscious/creative process crafting meaningful connections across multiple user-business/provider-Govt goals/desires @skewiff (that’s me) Now for my more than 140 chars (less actually when you include the repliers name in…

  • Infographic Inspiration

    Couple of great infographic inspiration discoveries Left: InfoGraphic Designs: Overview, Examples and Best Practice (via InstantShift) Right:  30 Examples of Creative Infography (via: Designer Daily, found via Optimal Usability Newsletter – Cool Stuff)

  • iPhone, iConnect, iThink iLikeIt

    I have a new iPhone. It looks just like a bought one! And now I’m connected. Although to get there I had to pick between black or white (but not get the chance because they only had black (which I wanted anyway), remember PIN numbers I’d registered ooh, 8 years ago, get credit checked, passwords…

  • Webstock 2010 – a review

    My cherry has been broken. I am a webby or a stocker or a websto or a whatever a fan of Webstock is called. As conference it was quite superb, not just the venue and the booths and the food (the food! – I went back twice for the brownie on the last afternoon tea…

  • Service Design definition #1,145

    I’ve been at the Webstock conference today. At the often asked question “what do you do” (that I equally asked with gay abandon) I answered “service design”. To the slightly blank eye-squinting head-leans I’d clarify: “you know how web is a channel, well service design is concerned with the web channel, the paper channel, the…

  • I don’t care – and then something comes along to remind why I do

    Sometimes, with all the twitter, and RSS, and blogs, and books, and observations, and media, and feeds, and subscriptions and conversations I ocassionaly am struck by a deep, yawing, eye-squinting, cheek-raising “i don’t care”… and then I look at one of those tweets or feeds and I remember why I do. Check out the video…

  • How Designers Think – reflections part (b)

    This is the second part of my reflections on what I read, discovered and disagreed with in ‘How Designers Think: The design process demystified’ (4th ed.) by Bryan Lawson. Problem and solution are inseparable On pg 39 Lawson quotes Robert Venturi : “We have a rule that says sometimes the detail wags the dog. You…

  • How Designers Think – reflections part (a)

    I recently finished reading ‘How Designers Think: The design process demystified’ (4th ed.) by Bryan Lawson. It’s been part inspiring, part revealing, part frustrating, part disagreeable, and all thought provoking. Timely too, as I often reflect on my own design thinking process – for myself, and for my job. This post is the first part…

  • Alexander McQueen R.I.P

    From Givenchy and all that gold with the cupids on the pillars – I remember there was a story in the news about it – in New Zealand for goodness sake. From chunky to slim, from skulls to aliens, from amputees to live graffiti, shows as amazing as the clothes – I used to actually…