Category: service design

  • Being in Business and Doing Business – the battle between Business (Growth!) and Government (Economy!)

    Much of my work has been working with government agencies who work with, or want to reach small business – in Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. Sometimes I’ve been a public servant, sometimes I’ve been the small business. Through work, and in conversations with my ole Design Partner and bud, Justin Barrie about our experiences…

  • The end of the (formal) Fa’avae/Foundation Journey…

    The inspiration was established in 2018.An intention was articulated in 2021. The funding was secured in 2022. The Journey was completed at the end of 2023.(But hopefully, the journey continues forever for the 91 students). The following is the message I sent to the five amazing Educators and leaders who went on their own Design…

  • What is a Service? What is service?

    Previously, I have described a service like this: A service is the seeking and receipt of a specific outcome of a customer across a range of interactions and touchpoints over time. It’s a bit dry and analytical, but it has always worked when I’ve applied/used it in public service or community service settings. During the…

  • Every Good Service Deserves Strategy

    TL:DR:BM* *Bullet Me Schools are service delivery organisations. The services they deliver are education services. Often a strategic direction and the school objective setting is centred on the student, with parents/carers and ‘society’ as the audience. My experience with schools and through research is that, as with any complex organisation who understands what service is,…

  • Not a year in review, because it’s nearly February…so it’s more an annual post! (Still with the long titles though)

    Jiminy wowsers! It’s been a long time since I last published a post here, huh?!. That’s not to say I haven’t been doing, thinking and writing design. In fact, I’d say just about every week I come to desonance to reference something I’ve written or thought through here. So it’s serving exactly the purpose I’d…

  • Sometimes You Just Have To Shut Up

    Sometimes you talk too much and you just have to shut-up. Sometimes you don’t really know what you’re talking about so you just have to shut up. Sometimes you just have nothing to add; you just have to shut up. Sometimes, if you’re having a one-sided dialogue – that’s actually a monologue, because people can’t…

  • Protos Typos: When first impressions don’t need to last

    NB: A version of this post, written with Justin Barrie, is also published at DMA/We Think Recently at work we did some service prototyping with a public sector client. We wrote about it on our blog. It’s a topic I’ve often wanted to capture here because, in my experience, prototyping and service prototyping in particular…

  • Customer Experience Map – Redux

    At last I have updated the high-res version of my take on a customer experience map. Prompted by a request for a high-res copy (a proper high-res, mind) I decided to review and update the original customer experience map I posted in June 2010, based on my original how-to customer experience map. Much time and…

  • A state of service design (view from the top of the world)

    This top of the world! It’s been a busy month of many dialogues, conversations, presentations, seminal decisions, great client work, painful service design moments, great service design moments. That means this post has gone through some incarnations: From love letter To surprised yet slightly reserved observation To rant (strewn with swears galore…galore I tells ya!)…