Category: service design
Businessifying Design (Whating the what?)
NB: A version of this post, written with Justin Barrie, is also published at DMA/We Think I recently saw ‘Design the New Business’ I’d heard about the movie for many months and finally had the opportunity thanks to Damien Kernahan from Proto Partners and the Canberra Service Design Drinks to see it. A quick…
Earning my money where my mouth is
Over the years on this blog I have banged on about some topics with some regularity: Service design and in particular public sector service design Collaboration Techniques such as Mapping, Blueprinting, Frameworks – and just a love of the process What inspires me especially where design is about making meaning and making a difference to…
Simple, elegant and dignified: my favourite service design
It is with much surpride (intentional portmanteau) that I share this blog has just passed 50,000 visits. Wow. Whodda thunk it?! In the web scheme of things I have no idea what that means but it means a lot to me that there is a design industry out there (especially in Europe me thinks from…
Promised an experience; given a map: Filing a Tax Return Experience Map (Part B)
In my last post: Promised the world; given an atlas: A personal service experience (Part A) I shared my service experience as I attempted to file a tax return online in a new country. In this post I share how I captured that research as a Customer Experience Map. Interestingly as I worked on the…
Promised the world; given an atlas: A personal service experience (Part A)
I thought it was about time I did a post on service experience. Yeah, I talk a good rap about technique and philosophy, but how about capturing some (non-client) service experiences for dissection. And so like Marie Curie exposing herself to radioactive material (albeit unknowingly) I chose the service experience of filing my tax return…
Maps, shmaps, pathways, shmathways, etc, shmetc
I write this post with a conflicted heart. The post is ostensibly about language. And making sense – which simultaneously is precisely what this blog is for me; a record of my thinking, and thoughts in progress. But, I’ve just read Nick Marsh’s post on service design is dead, and while I don’t agree necessarily…
Service Design & UX Design; Po-tay-to/Po-tar-to or as umami is to salty*
I have recently found myself working in the same physical space with some user experience practitioners. Good people, nice people. As a service designer I have been listening to them talk, hearing familiar descriptions of activities and outcomes sought. Familiar but not the same. ‘Contextual enquiry’ and ‘affinity diagramming’ are expounded in such a way…
What is a service? – an exercise
When talking about a service surprisingly few people can easily rattle off a definition. In my experience, people generally have some concept in mind but don’t think about it very consciously. No surprise because it is intangible, open yet time-bound, and a mix of things, feelings and goals. The definition I like (an amalgamation of…
Customer Experience Map example – high res
As promised here is a link to a high-res version (as PDF) of the customer experience map I low-res published the other week. Update 15 July 2012: I have updated this version again with a better version. Context: The map should be seen as part of the solutioning process representing a current state customer and…